This issue is not going to go away any time soon. How should law abiding citizens and Christians actually few this matter.... Uncle Sam wants our 2nd Amendment rights nullified.  As I write this Uncle is working on removing our right to bare arms , one bill at a time.. A little here , a little later ... Sen. Feinstein is one leading this charge:  and  The problem is  she is a huge hypocrite on protection. For herself its all right.. but for the rest of us its not: veiw this clip of her own words:  Its no different for Biden, he is another hypocrite leading the the charge. But he had different words to tell America a couple years ago, view his own words: .....   How can we trust these people, who have no conscience, who out right lie, who have no righteousness.... The Holy Bible tell us in Proverbs 14:15  Only a simpleton believes what he is told !  A prudent man checks to see where he is going.  Proverbs 14:8  The wise man looks ahead. The fool attempts to fool himself and won't face facts..   Governing people whom we put into these positions of authority over us, are to be righteous and moral. They are to represent us ( the people) not a corrupt hidden agenda... These six things does the LORD hate: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood. a heart that has a wicked imagination, one who runs swiftly to mischief and a false witness that speaks lies... Proverbs 6: 16-19 ( Is it just me, or does this look like what we see ever day with the leadership in America ).   Christians, we need to Pray and seek Gods wisdom and instructions for these things coming on us... For when a man's ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him  Proverbs 16:7 .    When people nations willingly  allow their governments to disarm them and force them into oppression, and exterminate them for their beliefs or ancestry or just  for power and control over them  .. is this really being obedient to what God ask of this Gods judgement on us and their is nothing we should do... God's not going to bring the Church to a premature end , because he is still redeeming souls onto Himself. We are to occupy until He returns, but just what does that mean, did the early Church lay over and die, give up with out a fight. Is God going to supernaturally protect us or supernaturally strengthen and equip us as He did so many times in the past with His people the Jews. L.A. Marzulli a well know Bible Prophecy commentator gives his thoughts on this issue. Most Church leaders as a whole are not going to give their opinions or even their thoughts. They been silenced by the threats from the liberal apostate left . But I for one am perplexed on this subject, and appreciate some of Marzulli's thoughts Commentary & Analysis: by L. A. Marzulli What stands in the way of toppling the United States is the 2nd amendment. This amendment to the constitution was implemented in the event the government became tyrannical, the citizenry would have the ability to defend itself. Hitler rounded up the guns as well the Communist. Over 70 million Russians lost their lives in the Gulags. Over 80 million Chinese have been killed by their government and Hitler rounded up millions of his own people too! There is a greater issue here and I believe it is this. In order to establish the one world government prophecy tells us will form under the Anti Christ, America has to be removed. I wrote about his in Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural. This will be accomplished by removing the 2nd amendment and the government rounding up the guns, and then collapsing the dollar, which will plunge the nation into chaos, something I believe is desired for the control of the populace.

Our guns are the reason why we are free. Never forget this. There are some issues that are worth dying for and the 2nd amendment is one as the alternative is to be rounded up and carted away in trucks, like the Jews were during WWII.

In closing todays post: We have the right to bear arms. We have the right to defend ourselves. Guns do not kill people, nor do knives, golf clubs, candle sticks, forks, automobiles, pool cues and almost an infinite variety of implements! Take away the guns and the criminals will have a field day and the government can do what it pleases. The media have chosen to ignore the link between violent behavior and mind altering drugs. The reason for this is simple, their left-wing ideology prohibits them from reporting the truth as their goal is to disarm the American people.

Our country was founded on self-reliance. I live in a remote area, where if I call 911, it would take at least a half an hour to get someone here. My wife and I took a gun training class and we are armed. I’m not relying on our government to save me should someone bust into my house at 2 in the morning. As Alex Jones remarked to Morgan, you’re a hatchet man for the new world order! Wake up people, Senator Feinstein of California is sending a bill on gun control to Congress. In my opinion this is an orchestrated attempt to abolish the 2nd amendment. Now is the time to stand up and be counted and let our government know, with the utmost certainty, that we will not, under any circumstances, relinquish our 2nd amendment rights! Period! Give me liberty our give me death! Patrick Henry

Peace deception

Making evil appear peaceful is usually the most successful way of getting through with it.  So blow the trumpet everyone your guns will be gone.  Which is fine if the motives were truly peace, but I think most of us know better than that.  ~Take away the lions claws so he’s easier to handle, right?  The underlying purpose is what it has always been…complete control.  And, the coming chaos is at hand…there has been a push toward a one world government, economy and religion since before a nation has ever been established. Nimrod, Babylon, Persian Empire, Alexander the Great and Greece, the Roman Empire, British Empire, Nazi Germany, and now the United Nations all have the same thing in common.  World Domination.  The selfish desires of mankind have been present since sin was introduced into our hearts.  History not only is repeating itself but is clearly demonstrating that humans desire power, will do anything to obtain it, and a so-called man made “utopia” will never happen.  It is evil disguised as love.  People, there will never be a man-made utopia; man is not capable of this.  Left wing secular humanists toil in vain speaking about the so-called peace and coexistence they preach; the hidden wickedness and greed in there hearts will always rule the decisions they make behind closed doors.  Beware of the false love because in a world without God this is not possible.  It maybe looking like its still ok right now, but the truth behind this deception will manifest when the world is released to its wickedness.  The air that you breathe is LOVE, you don’t deserve it, it is a gift…the only utopia that will ever be on earth is when JESUS comes back and takes His rightful throne. 

Do we willing obey these new laws and give up our arms without a fight? -- I think we should give up our guns without a fight. We don’t need them, our LORD is our strength.  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12

What about when they tell us you cannot teach and worship in the name JESUS?  Which will be next…the push for a one world government, with one economy, and one religion is the focus of Globalists, Humanists, Islam, the UN and the rest of secular society that hates true Holy Spirit filled Christians and Israeli Jews.  True Christians and Jews will be persecuted by this secular society that thinks they are too good for the God that gave them the very breathe in their lungs.  So what happens when they tell us you cannot teach and worship in JESUS name? Well what did the apostles say?  ‘But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard." Acts 4: 19 & 20

How about when they tell you that you have to go to prison because of your beliefs?  “They took his advice; and after calling the apostles in, they flogged them and ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and then released them.  So they went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.  And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”  Acts 5: 40-42

There will be more my friends, everything has been laid out for those who have ears to hear.  All the incite and wisdom you could ever imagine and then some is at your hands if you are willing. Believe this: You want to be a slave of JESUS Christ, there is no greater master.  Serving the most-high GOD is the greatest thing in existence.  We need to stop serving ourselves….He is the righteous God that hates sin, but He is also merciful and mighty to save--  it’s time to start to clean ourselves up and begin to pray earnestly in faith/trust for ourselves, our loved ones, Israel…also our government, military and police.  Pray for God’s mercy… for wisdom and for discernment.........power of pray moves mountains...the Psalms promos our protection.... Jesus paved the is more blessed to give than it is to receive! And, JESUS gave us everything that is good! Let the name of the LORD be blessed for ever and ever.